  • Advising clients on law;
  • Representing the interests of individuals and legal entities in courts of all instances (including appeals and cassation appeals), in the International Commercial Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine, in the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, in the European Court of Human Rights, during an administrative appeal against decisions of subjects of power etc;
  • Customer support in pre-trial dispute settlement procedures;
  • Protection of persons during criminal prosecution, representing the interests of the victim, witnesses and other persons in criminal proceedings at the stage of pre-trial investigation and during court proceedings;
  • Representation of interests of individuals and legal entities in state authorities and local self-government bodies, state institutions, enterprises and organizations, international institutions;
  • Legal audit, support and business protection;
  • Obtaining permits;
  • Contract activities (preparation of draft agreements and other documents of a civil law nature, participation in negotiations at the conclusion of transactions, implementation of their further support);
  • Other.

The range of rights and services provided by the lawyers of the firm is much wider, and therefore you can contact our firm for the necessary legal assistance on matters other than those mentioned on the site.

  • protecting a person from criminal prosecution during a pre-trial investigation and trial;
  • representation of the victim’s interests
  • participate in procedural and investigative actions;
  • collecting evidence;
  • reimbursement of losses incurred as a result of unlawful criminal proceedings;
  • other
  • contractual relationship, including in real estate;
  • protection of property rights and other property rights;
  • protection of personal non-property rights;
  • debt collection;
  • consumer protection;
  • protection of honor and dignity, as well as business reputation;
  • legal relationship in the field of inheritance;
  • intellectual property rights;
  • other
  • divorce, marriage annulment, unsaid, or fictitious;
  • marriage contract;
  • establishment of a separate residence of the spouses;
  • dividing the property of the spouses, has identified the proportion of one of the spouses from the warehouse of all the property of the spouses;
  • determining the place of residence of the child and the way parents participate in education and communication with the child;
  • a permit for a child to leave Ukraine temporarily or permanently, with a parent, as well as illegal change of one’s parents’ place of residence, removal of a child and return of her previous permanent place of residence;
  • alimony;
  • adoption, care and care, establishing paternity / maternity, paternity / maternity recognition, paternity / maternity, deprivation and renewal of parental rights;
  • other
  • disputes arising from legal relationships in the field of economic activity of business entities;
  • debt collection;
  • registration and reorganization of business, bankruptcy;
  • support of foreign economic activity;
  • preparation of corporate documentation;
  • legal support of joint and investment activities;
  • recovery of problematic debt;
  • bankruptcy proceedings, including protection of creditors’ rights;
  • other
  • obtaining permits;
  • appeals against decisions to bring administrative liability;
  • appeal of decisions, actions or inactivity of the subjects of power authorities;
  • other
  • creation, reorganization and liquidation of banks and other financial institutions;
  • registration and obtaining a license for financial activities by institutions;
  • development of the initial documentation of the financial institution, observance of the currency legislation and requirements of currency control;
  • Representation of interests of creditors and borrowers in litigation concerning collection of debts;
  • support of lending agreements;
  • other
  • land rights registration for industrial enterprises;
  • protection of land rights of legal entities and individuals in judicial bodies;
  • change of purpose of land plots;
  • the rest
  • appeal against decisions of the tax authorities in administrative and judicial procedures;
  • providing consultations on taxation of individuals, natural persons-entrepreneurs, legal entities;
  • tax advice on investment activities;
  • other
  • appeal against the decision on dismissal and renewal at work;
  • advice on guarantees and holidays;
  • outgoing and severance payments;
  • drafting and advising on labor contracts and contracts;
  • employment of foreign workers and migration issues;
  • collective agreements, interaction with professional unions;
  • reorganization and state redundancy;
  • corporate governance and co-ordination of registration of relations with officials;
  • other